The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 93: Update LXXIX - Power game

Update LXXIX - Power game

This update covers the events of Update XX to XXIII.

Music: School IV

Since the enemy already used a Command Seal to our benefit, I doubt we will have much trouble. Still, in order to protect you, Praetor, I may need to display my true abilities—

She's saying she might unleash her Noble Phantasm. We'll need to use it eventually, after all. However, today—like yesterday— I see hesitation in her eyes.

Why are you hesitant?

I wonder why she's hesitating. He's a stronger Master than I, and our weapons are limited.

I see. Your reasoning is sound.

Saber gives a melancholy smile. I don't know what concerns her, but I want her to feel better.


If you don't want to...

This one just skips that last bit.


No, that is a frivolous thought. I'm the blade that protects you, and I will be anything you wish.

The issue drops, but some unease lingers in my brain. Some day, I may make the decision to use my Servant's full abilities.

This week's decor is...

...suitably ornate for a Roman Emperor.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor




Music: School III

Indeed. We will not only grasp victory, we will pound them over the head with it!

Music: None

Hit Level E.

Three digit Strength!

And off to the fight.

Music: Duel - Prelude to Confrontation

In fact, I sympathize with such a prestigious man for being saddled with an impish Heroic Spirit. Are you of honorable origins? Because your Master cuts a better figure as a Servant than you.

Dan Blackmore pseudo-Servant when, Lasengle.

I'll let you in on a little secret— not all of us Heroic Spirits were noble in life. That would be boring. Oh, and on that note, careful you don't get nailed from behind AGAIN.

...At any rate, you seem to be an Archer assassin. I have experience with conducting assassination... But, my Master is not cut out for such methods. Besides, this is war, not politics.

Music: Duel - Kill Or Be Killed

You said it. It's about time we gave this snooty princess her just deserts!

That's empress to you! I am a grown woman! I hold YOU accountable if my Master addresses me as princess.

Poor guy has no idea how to handle Nero.

Though— I suppose my Master's efforts up to this point deserve praise.

My Master is out of your Master's league. Your Master is already as good as dead. Because my Master, in spite of his lack of experience, works so hard. And looks adorable trying! You may think my Master is a chick; with me by his side, my Master will grow into a big, strong bird.

...Your insight is keen. I hear you were a tyrant in life, but I see you deserve to be a Heroic Spirit.

Well Dan certainly knows who Nero is.

It'd be funny if he accidentally blew the whole secret name thing by refering to her by name off-hand.

...Don't be so humble, Master. You've got a wish, too. No one has the right to scoff at that.

Video: Week 2 Elimination Battle (Saber ver.)

Oh, my master's eccentric, that's all. Either way, this'll be fun!

Exactly, Archer. You can beat any Heroic Spirit with your power.

He barely survived last time, how do you think this will go?

First turn.

He fails to land poison.

Second turn.

Third turn.

He finally gets his poison to stick.

But like last time, just a little too late.

Here's hoping you have better luck with your mirror match, Robin!

Music: None

Awwwww, I was hoping that was a small hint about Tamamo's true identity.

Bye Dan!

The last Master was disgraceful, but this Master was a seasoned warrior. Even though you emerged victorious from battle with his Servant, you are still green. However... Truly, it is not as if nothing was gained. I have seen the look of a warrior pass over your face.

Even though Saber's criticism is harsh, her praise is sweet. I don't know what the "look of a warrior" is but if I've changed...

Dan, was it? Did you happen to gain any impression from fighting him?

Just like Tamamo, every option here gets the same result.


I see. If you believe as such, it is all well and good. I will see what you have or have not gained in the fight to come.

The next battle... Right, there's a third round, and then a fourth, and so on. I'm still kind of lost. But if that's the path before me, then I owe it to the lives lost so far to keep fighting. Right or wrong, that's one way to think about things.

Music: School III

Say hi to Li.

Music: School IV

And also say hi to Alice.

Things have become interesting. She seems to be a prodigy amongst the many players on the stage.

That's right. Only the strong survive here. It's possible that she's much stronger than Dan was. But the question remains: Can I fight without holding back? My opponents up until now had an aura of power. It was easy to see them as worthy foes. ...But things are different now. Can I do to this little girl what I did to the others? I know that if I don't, I'm as good as dead, but still...

Among the vanquished, there must have been Servants who could have inspired my prose. All the Heroic Spirits would be in one building, if this were an Olympiad. Tournaments are flawed.

Get Nero's first room chat for the week.


Right, shall we depart for battle soon? I find this chill nearly as oppressive as I find heat.

And her generic.

Talk to Rin.

Talk to Alice.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

And in we go.

I suspect she is nearby. That's what my maiden's intuition tells me. Let's seek that child, Master!

I take a moment to swap in the Crystal Ball.

If you'll recall, this map's gimmick is having tons of hidden paths. view_map(); trivializes it.

You're "It", mister. If you can catch Alice, you win, mister! All right, ready... Go!

In addition, any child that presumes to address me as an "It" requires strict discipline!

The Japanese version of tag uses 'oni' for whoever is it, right? This line makes a bit more sense if Nero's taking offense to being called a demon, considering her history.

I can see why Saber was willing to do this. Being addressed as "It" didn't set well with her. As long as she's willing to play along, there's no need to clear up the misconception.

Gain a level.

Those white frills could only belong to Alice.

I need to make a serious effort to chase her down or she'll get away.

Time to run and grab the Vorpal Blade, right?

Wrong. :black101:

Next time: The power of blatant cheating.